Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A contribution Dirk-Uwe Becker, member of PEN Trieste, left to the Ukrainian stand during the Book Fair of Leipzig.

die Toten des Maydan
liegen als Kiesel
am Strand von Sewastopol
die Tatze
des russischen Baeren
drueckt ihre Traenen
in den Untergrund
dornige Rosen wachsen
wo sie sie die Erde befeuchten

the dead people of Maydan
are resting as pebble stones
at the beach of Sewastopol
their tears
were pressed into the subsurface
by the paw
of the russian bear
spiny roses grow
where the soil
will be moisturized
by it

With best regards to all writers, who write for a free an undivided world & Ciao

Dirk-Uwe Becker

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